Mobile Forensics
Forensics cell phone data recovery is a branch of digital forensics that relates to the recovery of electronically stored information from a mobile device under forensically sound conditions by utilizing acceptable collection and preservation methods. These methodologies ensure the integrity of data from a subject device. In short, it’s not evidence if it’s not admissible in court.
With the advent of the Smartphone, the methodologies and technologies used to gather data has become progressively more complicated. Older techniques are no longer suitable as Smartphone’s now have the ability to store more data than ever before. Smartphone’s vary by carrier, manufacturer, software, firmware, and applications. These variables in combination present a hefty task for data forensics experts and have shifted the landscape of mobile device forensics. With new mobile devices being launched every year, it is imperative that digital forensic professionals continue to learn and adapt to newer technologies, as there is not a “one size fits all” approach.